Community Patrols of New Zealand (CPNZ) is a national organisation that was formed in 2001. It supports some 5,000 members in over 130 community patrols throughout New Zealand, affiliated to the national body.
Community Patrols are owned and organised locally by their own committees and are sometimes operated under an umbrella group. They are independent from the Police although they may receive Police guidance and training. Community Patrol members are volunteers who work alongside police as extra “eyes and ears” to assist in building safer communities. Community Patrols and their volunteers maintain their own identity and affiliation distinct from the New Zealand Police.
The role of the Community Patrol volunteer is to assist the Police.
We do this by:
- Patrolling residential, business and industrial areas
- Acting as eyes and ears for the Police
- Undertaking surveillance and observation
- Taking note, recording and gathering information
- Assisting, when asked, at accident scenes
- Watching out for stolen cars
- Reporting signs of suspicious activity